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How to Measure for Replacement Windows

Written by Luis Alvarez | Apr 1, 2021 9:39:06 PM

Choosing to replace your older windows is a great way to give your home a fresh appearance while also improving energy-efficiency. Understanding how to measure for replacement windows is essential to ensure your new impact windows fit perfectly in place. Installing impact windows is also a great way to provide your home with much-needed protection against hurricanes

While doing this home improvement project can save you some money, it's always a good idea to reach out to professionals if you don't have experience in window installation.

Here are a few tips to remember on how to measure for replacement windows.


Boost Your Home's Value With Impact Windows:


Step 1: Record Each Measurement

Accuracy is critical in knowing how to measure for replacement windows. Writing down a wrong measurement will derail the entire process and make it impossible to install a replacement window. The best way to avoid this is to always double-check your measurements to ensure everything is accurate.

You can either write down your measurements on a sheet of notebook paper or download a measurement worksheet to help you stay organized. Labeling the exact location of each window in your home is also important to avoid any confusion while you measure your window opening.


Step 2: Check for Square

Another important tip on how to measure for replacement windows is to ensure everything is square to avoid future problems. Installing a replacement window that's not square can make it nearly impossible to open your window.

You can check to see that everything is square by measuring diagonally from the inside of the upper left corner to the inside of the lower right corner of the window frames. You will write down this measurement and then measure the other diagonal direction. If these numbers are within 1/4th of an inch from each other, it's square for a replacement window.

However, if the difference is greater than 1/4th of an inch, you will need a new construction window.

Step 3: Measure the Width (Correctly)

The next step in knowing how to measure for replacement windows is to measure the width of the existing window to ensure everything lines up correctly.

You will need to measure the side of the window in three different places, which is the bottom, middle, and at the top. You will use a tape measure against the window jamb on either side to obtain an accurate measurement. It's important to slide the window up to measure the bottom and middle while closing the window to measure the distance on the top.

You will need to write down each measurement and highlight the shortest measurement.


How to Measure the Window Height

You will also need to take three different measurements while measuring the height of the window. Each measurement extends from the top horizontal board above the head jamb to the bottom window sill. You will need to take one measurement on the far left and another on the far right while also measuring in the middle of the window. To avoid any mistakes, it's important to remember that the bottom sill is the horizontal board where the window sash rests, and it's not the trim board that extends out. Similar to measuring the width, you will need to record each measurement and highlight the shortest measurement.


How to Measure Window Depth

Finding the depth measurement of a window is one of the last steps in knowing how to measure for replacement windows. Typically, the depth measurement of a window isn't a problem in traditional houses. However, it's a good idea to be safe to avoid any potential problems. Windows in mobile or modular homes may not have the adequate depth for a replacement window. You can measure the depth by opening the window to measure the sill space of the front trim to the back trim. The depth measurement needs to be at least 3 1/4" to ensure a replacement window will fit.


Finalizing Your Measurements

You can finish the measuring process by rounding down the shortest measurements of the height and width of each window to the nearest 1/8th of an inch. You do not need to make any changes if the original measurement is already 1/8th of an inch. These final numbers will be used to order replacement windows throughout your home.


There’s an Easier Way. Hire Alco Windows & Doors

Choosing the home improvement route isn't always the best option unless you know how to measure for replacement windows. Reaching out to trusted local installers is a great way to ensure the job is done right while using superior products.

Alco Windows and Doors offers window and door replacement services, as we use top-quality products and you can choose from numerous financing options.

Give Alco Windows and Doors a call today to learn more about our impact window and door replacement services!